Have you started puzzling and prefer a digital example over the physical map with your puzzle? Then you have come to the right page! Below is our Seven Deadly Sins puzzle presented in all its glory.
Have fun puzzling!
Have you started puzzling and prefer a digital example over the physical map with your puzzle? Then you have come to the right page! Below is our Seven Deadly Sins puzzle presented in all its glory.
Have fun puzzling!
Superbia is the pride in which one places oneself above others and considers oneself superior.
Luxuria is lust, the uncontrolled desire for sexual satisfaction or pleasure.
Invidia is jealousy, the feeling of envy towards others who have more or perform better.
Gula is gluttony, the excessive and uncontrolled urge to eat or drink.
Ira is anger, where a person cannot control his emotions and quickly bursts into anger.
Acedia is laziness or apathy, the lack of motivation to do something or take responsibility.
Avaritia is greed, where a person has excessive desires for material wealth or possessions.